NovemDavid Marsh and Blake Rambo performed a lovely on the Plummer WurliTzer and piano! JanuJohn Ledwon performe at Plummer Auditorium.ĭecemOpen Console and pot luck. See the rest of the OCTOS schedule of events Prior Events and enjoy an afternoon of great music and conversation. We look forward to having you join you and your theatre organ lovin' friends at Plummer Auditorium Saturday night, November 2, 2019. Purchase tickets using the link below or at the event! OCTOS Concert Tickets Order your tickets online below!! We look forward to seeing you there. His inventive arrangements in both concerts and silent films are sure to make the musician in each of us smile! Come here him accompany “The Black Pirate” and don’t forget to bring a friend! Won't you join the OCTOS theatre organ fans enjoy an afternoon of great music and friendship. Mark Herman is one of America’s busiest theatre organists. Artist Mark Herman We are lucky that we have Mark here on the mighty WurliTzer in Plummer Auditorium, Fullerton, CA Mark will dazzle us with his accompanyment of the classic 1926 silent film Mark your calendar! NEW SHOW!!! Saturday, Novemat 7:30 P.M.