For waste facilities, make available charts showing the trends of how much waste the facility takes of which type, from which locations. Connect such facility data to any emissions databases or waste receipt information.Have a simple Google Map interface to DEP-regulated facilities where users can find any facilities that DEP has files on (whether existing, proposed or closed/withdrawn) and allow users to click through from the facility’s map marker to the digital documents DEP has on the facility.

If they do, their name, contact info and website (including link to web content specific to the facility) should be made available as reference material on the DEP webpage relating to that facility.

Just put them as destination addresses in a separate policy that does not have SSL inspection turned on. (Credit to for the script and address info.) If you don' t want to enter all 107 unique Skype addresses into the firewall, you can come close by using these class C' s: These Skype IPs can be found by running this BASH script:įor i in do dig +short dsn$i. done | sort | uniq There appears to be a Skype login problem (at least with my config) if SSL certificate inspection is turned on. I have a workaround in place for now by whitelisting all the IP' s associated with Skype logins. I have an open ticket with FTNT on this issue.

I' m replying to my own post in case anyone else finds this useful.